Last week we paid a visit to St Brigid's School to get cracking on our biodiversity project, with a schools event in the planning for March. The students are already really clued in and their Green Door initiative was very inspiring (see just a small sample in the photos).
One class reused old, unwanted materials to make their display. And are rotating the pots onto the window sills in the classroom to give the seedlings more light. The class made pots from newspaper and egg boxes - spinach, lettuce, carrots, mung beans - just some of their 'grow your own' initiative. The class made a recording to detail the need for sustainability initiatives, highlighting the high cost of importing fruits and vegetables to Ireland.
Another class asked 'Who is responsible for the planet?' And their colourful Green Door showed the difference each individual can make.
Many thanks to Principal Denis Courtney for the great welcome.
More about our biodiversity project as it evolves...