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DRCD TidyTowns Newsletter article
Delighted to see Castleknock Tidy Towns featured in this issue of the Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) Tidy Towns...
Weekly Saturday Clean Up 30/5/20
Thanks to the 15+ volunteers who turned out (and safely socially distanced) on Saturday morning for the first Saturday morning weekly...
Meet at Myo's at 10am. We held a trial run this morning on Auburn Avenue, with a few volunteers, to ensure that we can carry out...
Myo's gets a makeover
Myo's Castleknock looks amazing in its new colour scheme. The black and white really sets off the hanging baskets and brightens up the...
Battered, but not bowed
Castleknock looks a little battered this morning after the wild winds over the past two days. Lots of leaves blown around! But we'll be...
Park bins
Pleased to advise that the OPW has installed some temporary bins in the Phoenix Park along the perimeter wall between Castleknock and...
OPW improves park for walkers and cyclists
OPW sets out new positive changes to Phoenix Park:…/bb8210-opw-sets-out-positive-new-chan…/
Disposable gloves
Over the past 7 days our volunteers have picked up over 200 plastic gloves around the village and approach roads. These gloves are a...
Our roses out again
Look who were spotted yesterday? Our double roses, Leisha and Judie (social distancing) exercising in the rose bed on Castleknock Road -...
Plant donation
Thanks go out to Rita McGowan in Deerpark who recently donated some plants for the Castleknock Gate and Peck's Lane areas. Great idea...
Myo's add their hanging baskets
Thanks Myo's for the beautiful hanging baskets this year. We are delighted to help maintain them. We did some work at the pavement corner...
One of the adopted areas across Castleknock
Well done to PJ Langan who did a fantastic job recently painting bollards and keeping the area between The Pines and Beechpark looking so...
Deadhead your daffs
When you're out on your next walk, for something to do, you could try deadheading a few faded daffodils as you pass by. This ensures each...
Castleknock Village, 7am 25th April 2020
What a wonderland of nature! Aren't we lucky?
Tidy Towns National Competition will not now take place this summer
What a pity the National Tidy Towns competition cannot go ahead this year due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Considering that the competition...
Sedum roof
Interesting to note that LIDL Castleknock has a sedum green roof. You can view it out of the window at the top of the escalators. The...
Happy Easter
Wishing you and your family and friends, all our supporters and wonderful volunteers a safe and joyful Easter. It is hard not to be out...
Wild Wonder Woman
It's wild garlic season...and Mags was out foraging in the Phoenix Park and brought home a decent bounty for a stir fry. She also...
Monster Clean Up 2020 postponed
No Monster Clean Up of Castleknock can happen tomorrow folks. But thinking of you all. Lovely to see that Mother Nature is still out...
Bin that dog poo, please
IMPORTANT: please can I appeal to all dog walkers today? Bag your dog's poo and take it to ANY nearest bin or take it home with you. This...
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